# What's Wrong With A `for` Loop? In a [[Rust]] project I'm working on, we have some code that looks like this: ```rust let items: Vec<TextSection> = inventory .hand .iter() .chain(inventory.belt.iter()) .chain(inventory.backpack.iter()) .map(|item| { TextSection::new( item, TextStyle { font: asset_server .load("fonts/FiraCode-Regular.ttf"), font_size: 20.0, color: Color::WHITE, }, ) }) .intersperse(TextSection::new( "\n", TextStyle { font: asset_server.load("fonts/FiraCode-Regular.ttf"), font_size: 20.0, color: Color::WHITE, }, )) .collect(); ``` It's a behemoth expression that spans 24 lines. It could easily be rewritten as a `for` loop, and many developers would prefer it that way. But once you get used to it, writing code in this style is actually much nicer. The reason why is "the rule of least power". A `for` loop might do anything. But each item in a chain of iterators can usually only do one specific thing. 1. `chain` can only chain iterators together, equivalent to concatenating lists. 2. `map` can only modify elements in a list, never add or remove any. And if you're not a psychopath, you'll never use `map` in a way where the modification applied to an element depends on anything other than the element itself. 3. `intersperse` can only insert a separator between elements in a list. 4. `collect` can only collect items of an iterator into a single value. Because they're less powerful than a for loop, it's less conceptual work to figure out what they're doing. The total space of things they might be doing is much smaller. You can also easily comment out one step, like `intersperse`, and have confidence in exactly what you've done. Also, this code will likely be faster than the for loop you'd be likely to write. 1. It'll make fewer memory allocations, because it won't need to allocate a new vector for each item in the chain. 2. If you decide you only want the first `n` elements, you can just add a `.take(n)` and it'll never do more processessing than is needed. (Of course, you can do both of these with a `for` loop, but it comes for free in this style.) The main disadvantage of this style is that it's harder to debug in a debugger. I tend to stick to printf debugging because Rust debuggers are still pretty bad, so that's a wash for me. But in languages with good debugger support, I can see how this style might be a bit of a pain. However, why *should* this be any harder to debug? It's more explicit about your intentions than a for loop. It'd be nice if debuggers could use this extra information to make the debugging experience better, not worse.